Money Talks


The History of Hungarian Mint

MONEY… a currency of determined value, used for a longer or shorter period in commerce, for buying things or storing up goods. The value of coins or bills were guaranteed by the value of the metal – usually gold, silver, and bronze – they are made of.

Money, starting with the time of the first mints, has been playing a central role in the economic life. The current ones have a market value, nevertheless, they possess an aesthetic value as well. Elder money could also be valuable, and there are specific fora for their sale and purchase or change.

The coin collection of the Haáz Rezső Museum was founded in 1868 by numismatist SÁMUEL NAGYKEDEI FEKETE (1804 – 1870), when he donated a high value collection to the local Reformed college. “To the sons of noble Szeklerland,… for keeping, enjoying and education on the field of history.” The numismatic collection was developed with the findings from Tibod, Sfântu Gheorghe, Sânmartin, respectively the thesaurus discovered at Mount Firtos.
